Sentences in French with english translation: Expressing admiration

How to express admiration in French? Useful sentences

French is a language that is known for its sophistication and elegance, and it is often used to express admiration and compliments.

In this lesson, we will take a look at some commonly used sentences in French that express admiration, along with their English translations.

1. “Je suis impressionné(e) par…” (I am impressed by…) 

This is a versatile sentence that can be used to express admiration for anything that has caught your attention, from a person’s talent to a city’s architecture.

2. “C’est impressionnant!” (That’s impressive!)

This sentence can be used as a standalone exclamation or as a response to someone’s talent or achievement. It conveys the meaning that you are awed by what you are seeing or hearing.

3. “Je suis époustouflé(e) par…” (I am blown away by…)

This sentence is similar to the first one, but it conveys a stronger sense of admiration. It is often used to express admiration for something that is truly remarkable.

4. “Tu es incroyable!” (You are incredible!)

This sentence is used to express admiration for a person’s talent or achievement. It conveys the meaning that you are in awe of the person’s abilities.

5. “C’est magnifique!” (It’s magnificent!)

This sentence is often used to express admiration for something that is visually stunning, such as a work of art or a natural landscape.

6. “Je suis émerveillé(e) par…” (I am amazed by…)

This sentence is used to express admiration for something that has captured your imagination or sparked your curiosity.

7. “C’est génial!” (It’s awesome!)

This sentence is commonly used to express admiration for something that is exciting or impressive, such as a thrilling performance or an innovative product.

8. “Tu es vraiment doué(e)!” (You are really talented!)

This sentence is used to express admiration for a person’s abilities, particularly in a creative or artistic field.

9. “C’est extraordinaire!” (It’s extraordinary!)

This sentence is often used to express admiration for something that is exceptional or unusual, such as a rare achievement or a unique experience.

10. “Je suis fan de…” (I am a fan of…)

This sentence is used to express admiration for someone or something that you admire greatly. It conveys the meaning that you are a devoted admirer.

In conclusion, these are some commonly used sentences in French that express admiration in a conversation.

Whether you are expressing admiration for a person’s talents or for a stunning natural landscape, these phrases will help you convey your admiration effectively.

By learning these expressions, you can take your French language skills to the next level and express yourself with confidence in any conversation.

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