Sentences in French with english translation: Expressing suspicion
Expressing suspicion is an important part of communication, especially when trying to determine the truth or accuracy of something.
If you’re learning French, it can be helpful to know some sentences to express suspicion when necessary. These sentences can help you communicate your doubts and concerns in a clear and concise manner.
In this lesson, we’ll go over some sentences in French with English translations for expressing suspicion.
1. “Je ne suis pas sûr(e) que ce soit vrai” – “I’m not sure if that’s true”
This phrase is a great way to express suspicion when you’re unsure about the truth or accuracy of something. It conveys a sense of uncertainty and doubt.
2. “Je soupçonne qu’il y a quelque chose qui cloche” – “I suspect that something is wrong”
If you have a hunch that something is not right, this phrase is a great way to express your suspicion. It conveys a sense of concern and caution.
3. “Je ne crois pas que c’est la vérité” – “I don’t believe that’s the truth”
If you think that someone is not telling the truth, this phrase is a great way to express your suspicion. It conveys a sense of skepticism and disbelief.
4. “Je ne fais pas confiance à cette personne” – “I don’t trust this person”
If you have doubts about someone’s intentions or character, this phrase is a great way to express your suspicion. It conveys a sense of caution and distrust.
5. “Je me demande si c’est vrai” – “I wonder if it’s true”
If you’re not sure about the truth of something and want to express your suspicion, this phrase is a great way to do it. It conveys a sense of curiosity and skepticism.
6. “Il y a quelque chose de louche” – “There’s something suspicious”
If you sense that something is not right, this phrase is a great way to express your suspicion. It conveys a sense of caution and concern.
7. “Je trouve ça étrange” – “I find it strange”
If something seems odd or out of place, this phrase is a great way to express your suspicion. It conveys a sense of curiosity and caution.
By learning these sentences in French with English translations for expressing suspicion, you can communicate your doubts and concerns effectively.
Be sure to practice these phrases so that you can communicate with confidence and convey your suspicions clearly and concisely.