Should I write Près, Prêt or Prêts in French?

Should I write Près, Prêt or Prêts in French? In French, “près,” “prêt,” and “prêts” are all words that are often confused by French language learners. However, they have different meanings and uses, which will be explained in this lesson along with examples. When to use “près”: 1. “Près” is used as an adverb to … Read more

Should I write Quoique or Quoi que in French?

Should I write Quoique or Quoi que in French? In French, “quoique” and “quoi que” are both expressions that are used to indicate a concession or a condition in a sentence. However, they are used in different ways, which will be explained in this lesson along with examples. When to use “quoique”: 1. “Quoique” is … Read more

French adverbs of quantity

French adverbs of quantity Adverbs of quantity in French refer to words that describe the amount or degree of an action. Some common adverbs of quantity in French are “beaucoup” (a lot), “peu” (a little), “trop” (too much), “assez” (enough), and “tout” (all). Examples: J’ai beaucoup d’amis. (I have a lot of friends.) Il y … Read more

French adverbs ending in -ment

French adverbs ending in -ment Adverbs in French that end in -ment are used to modify verbs and adjectives, indicating how, when, or to what extent an action is performed. Here are some tips and examples to help you understand the use of adverbs ending in -ment in French: 1. Adverbs ending in -ment are … Read more

The pronoun “en” in French: rules and examples

The pronoun “en” in French: rules and examples Lesson: Understanding “en” in French “En” is a French pronoun that is used to indicate the existence or presence of something. It is often translated into English as “of it” or “of them”. In this lesson, we will learn how to use “en” in French and provide … Read more

French pronouns list (PDF)

French pronouns list (PDF) Pronouns play a crucial role in communication by replacing nouns and avoiding repetition. From subject pronouns to object pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, and more, we will list the various types of pronouns in French. Here is a list of common French pronouns: Subject Pronouns: Je (I) Tu (You (informal singular)) Il (He) … Read more

Non binary pronouns in French: what you need to know.

Non binary pronouns in French What are Non binary pronouns? Non-binary pronouns are pronouns used to refer to individuals who do not identify as exclusively male or female. They can be used in place of he/him, she/her, or any other gendered pronoun. Examples of non-binary pronouns in English include: They/them/theirs Ze/hir/hirs Xe/xem/xyrs Per/pers/perself Non-binary pronouns … Read more

They / Them pronouns in French

They / Them pronouns in French In French, “they” and “them” can be expressed using a variety of pronouns, including: “ils” (masculine) “elles” (feminine) “eux” (mixed gender or neutral) Examples: “Ils sont amis.” (They are friends.) “Elles sont amies.” (They are friends.) “Je les connais.” (I know them.) “Je les vois.” (I see them.) I … Read more