30 French adjectives that start with D

30 French adjectives that start with D

The French language is known for its complex and extensive system of adjectives. These descriptive words are used to provide more detail and nuance to the language, making it more expressive and vivid.

In this article, we’ll focus specifically on French adjectives that start with the letter D.

Here is a list of 30 French adjectives that start with the letter D:

  1. Dangereux/Dangereuse – dangerous
  2. Décadent(e) – decadent
  3. Décontracté(e) – relaxed
  4. Décourageant(e) – discouraging
  5. Dédoublé(e) – split
  6. Défavorisé(e) – disadvantaged
  7. Définitif/Définitive – definitive
  8. Dégoûtant(e) – disgusting
  9. Délicat(e) – delicate
  10. Délirant(e) – delirious
  11. Dément(e) – insane
  12. Démodé(e) – outdated
  13. Déprimé(e) – depressed
  14. Déroutant(e) – disconcerting
  15. Désastreux/Désastreuse – disastrous
  16. Désirable – desirable
  17. Désolant(e) – distressing
  18. Désordonné(e) – messy
  19. Destructeur/Destructrice – destructive
  20. Détaillé(e) – detailed
  21. Déterminant(e) – determining
  22. Détestable – detestable
  23. Devant – front
  24. Dévastateur/Dévastatrice – devastating
  25. Développé(e) – developed
  26. Deviant(e) – deviant
  27. Digne – worthy
  28. Diligent(e) – diligent
  29. Diplomatique – diplomatic
  30. Direct(e) – direct

These adjectives can be used to describe a wide variety of nouns and situations, adding nuance and detail to the French language. It’s important to note that some of these adjectives have multiple meanings or can change depending on the context, so it’s always important to consider the situation in which they are being used.

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